Casual Reservation Form

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Payment Options
Select the option that shows who will pay for your party.

Client and Contact Information

If private party, enter Last Name, First Name. / If business or organization, enter registered name.
Contact Person
This is the person we contact whenever information or directions are needed
This is the email address we use to communicate with you

Addresses and Telephone

Billing Address
Permanent address of client or address on record with credit card company
Home telephone or number on file with your credit card company
Telephone number for Contact Person above
A mobile phone that will be with the client on Martha’s Vineyard

Local Information and Party Details

Client Address or Rental on Martha's Vineyard
Address where Client will stay while on Martha’s Vineyard. If not yet known: TO BE ADVISED
Venue name / beach name / private home / and street address so we can find you.
Event Date and Food service Start Time
Food service start time is the time we begin serving appetizer (chowder). Buffet is 30 minutes later.
Number of guests who will eat Lobster
Number of guests who prefer the chicken entrée
Number of guests who prefer the vegetarian entrée
Number of Children (12 and younger) who will have Chicken
Enter any comments or special needs here, including if any of your guests have seafood allergies. Max 500 characters