Casual Clambake Planning
A FEW THINGS TO CONSIDER when planning your
Casual-style Clambake

How many are you planning to invite? What are their ages?
Are they friends, family, or business acquaintances?
(Our minimum charge is equal to 20 adult guests. We can serve fewer but must charge the minimum)
Do you have a home or rental property with a yard large enough to hold the number of guests you plan to invite? Or perhaps you are planning a bash on one of our local beaches.
You may need a cook tent if weather is bad
We will need a 20’x20′ cooking tent with side panels and lighting if the weather is predicted to be inclement, or someplace under cover, such as a clean garage, to prepare food. Your food and service items MUST be protected from wind and rain. You can reserve a cook tent from some of the local tent suppliers if your budget is tight. You can cancel the reservation If the weather is sunny and calm and reduce your cost.
Planning an outdoor event? Consider a TENT to protect your guests from inclement weather.
They also appreciate an open-sided tent out of the sun in good weather.
Links to local tent suppliers
Big Sky | Seaside Celebrations | Tilton Tents
Chowder Bowls, Platters, Dessert plates, etc. | WE provide plastic-lined paper Chowder cups, Chinet platters and dessert plates, paper coffee cups. |
Soup spoons, knives, forks, coffee spoons, napkins, etc. | WE provide heavy-duty plastic soup spoons, knives, forks, dessert forks, coffee spoons, etc. |
Appetizer napkins, Dinner napkins, Dessert napkins, Lobster crackers, shell buckets, etc. | WE provide paper napkins for chowder, dinner and dessert, and lobster crackers and red plastic shell buckets for your guests. |
Serving platters and utensils, salt and pepper shakers, baskets, serving bowls, coffee pot, creamer, etc. | WE provide all platters, utensils, shakers, baskets, bowls and other paraphernalia necessary to properly serve your buffet. |
Tables, chairs, beach chairs, etc. | We DO NOT provide tables for dining, But do provide the tables necessary for cooking and for the buffet. Guest seating is your responsibility. |
Staffing | WE provide sufficient staff to prepare, cook and serve your buffet clambake meal. They will also bus the shell buckets during the meal. We can sometimes provide additional staff if notified well in advance. Please let us know what your needs are at the time of booking. It is YOUR responsibility to set up or take down tables, chairs, lay linens, etc., if you choose to rent or provide these items. |
Bartending and Raw Bar | We can recommend an excellent professional bartender at your request. Please look in the Suppliers section of this site (link at top of page). You can find contact information for Raw Bar services in the Suppliers section. |
Trash Containers and Haulage | WE provide trash barrels and liners so that your guests may dispose of their used paper and utensils after the meal. Please make arrangements for trash removal by calling Bruno’s at 508.693.5454. Ask them about their convenient rollaway barrels. |
ALTERNATE PLANS FOR INCLEMENT WEATHER | Your food must be protected from rain or wind during preparation and serving. We must cook under cover if there is rain, strong wind, or other inclement weather. You are responsible for arranging backup plans, if necessary, in the event of bad weather since we cannot accommodate ‘rain dates.’ |
COOK TENT | WE DO NOT PROVIDE Tents We are required to have a clean, sanitary place to cook and serve your food. You must provide A COOK TENT if the weather is rainy or very windy unless you have an under-roof area available for cooking (not a kitchen!). NOTE THAT Tents are NOT ALLOWED on many public beaches and not recommended even on private beaches (anchor stakes are not secure in sand and your tent could blow into the sea). |
TABLES AND CHAIRS | You arrange for any tables or chairs you might want. They are not usually needed for a ‘picnic style’ casual clambake and are NOT RECOMMENDED for beach parties. Beach chairs are available to rent from suppliers on Martha’s Vineyard. |
BEVERAGES AND BARTENDERS | Arrange to provide any alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages you may want for your party. We will be happy to recommend a bartending service for your event. |
MUSIC, DANCE FLOOR, LIGHTING, etc. | You can discuss these optional items with us if you want them, and we will be happy to make recommendations for you — or you can click on the Suppliers link at the top of this page |